Menstruation Causes Sleeping Disturbance...
Hardly anyone can escape from the discomfort and pain of periods, but in the midst of this pain and discomfort, disturbed sleep is also a big and serious problem. Sleeping nights are affected due to periods and the reason behind this is responsible from cramping to leakage.
According to a UK research, lack of sleep causes restlessness, anxiety and fear in women during periods. Not only this, research has found that an average of five months of sleep is lost in their entire lifetime due to these problems. The special thing is that two out of three (69%) women struggle with this problem of sleep.
Based on a survey conducted on more than 1,000 women in Bodyform Research, it was found that these women used to wake up frequently from sleep to avoid leakage during periods. Only about one in four (24%) are able to sleep soundly. This has been named as periodosomnia.
One study found that due to excessive bleeding during menstruation, the duration of sleep is reduced. This increases the problem of fatigue, stress and depression. Lack of sleep is mostly due to period cramps which always occur in the morning. Bleeding at night disturbs sleep due to moisture. According to the report of the Journal of Sleep Research, the quality of sleep of women who get less sleep is also not right. women with more than 500 menses were included in the study and all had more or less this problem.
During the research, it was found that women had different periods of sleeplessness. 57.6 women were unable to sleep due to headache during this period, while 44 percent women associate it with depression during periods. 41 percent of women have more pain in the breast, 51 percent of women have bloating, 8 percent women have constipation and 69 percent women do not sleep due to abdominal pain and cramps.