New generation Indian: Career first, marriage & children later!!!

According to the 2011 census, India's total population was 121.1 crore, of which 48.5 percent were women. It is estimated that by 2036 it will increase to 152.2 crore and the percentage of women will increase slightly to 48.8 percent. In 2011, there were 943 women per 1000 men. This sex ratio is estimated to increase to 952 in the year 2036. The number of children under 15 years of age may decrease in 2036 as compared to 2011. The main reason for this is the decrease in the birth rate. On the contrary, the number of people aged 60 years or above will increase significantly.

The Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (mospi) of the government has released the 25th edition of the report titled 'Women and Men in india 2023'. This report gives data on the basis of gender, urban-rural division and geographical area to understand the inequalities present in the society.

India's working population will increase

Given the changing age of people living in india, the country's working population is expected to increase by the year 2036. In 2011, 60.7% of India's total population was of people aged 15 to 59 years. That is, these people were of working age. It is estimated that by 2036 this number will increase to 64.9%. This means that the number of working people in india will increase in the coming time.

It is important to know how many children people are giving birth to and what is the gap between them. This shows how the population is growing in the country and how is the health of the people. This information also helps the government to plan for population control. ASFR shows how many children women of different ages give birth to. At which age the most children are born.

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