Nothing has changed - Kolkatta r*pe case...?
Had the legislation passed during the Nirbhaya event had any bearing, these kinds of incidents would not have occurred. Since this case is related to a doctor, it has come into discussion and hence it is being talked about, otherwise such incidents are happening every day in the country, but they do not come to light or even if they come to light, they are not discussed. When such incidents come to light through social media and television, then people start talking about them in the country, otherwise many incidents remain suppressed. It is not that the incidents have stopped after the law came into force, rather the incidents have increased even more.
To prevent such incidents, all the people of the society will have to come together. It took 10 years to take action against the culprits in the Nirbhaya case. No work is being done on a fast track, cases are going on in the old way. If such cases are coming to light even after the law came into force, then how can the law be considered right?
The administration is not serious about this, and people also need to be serious about this matter. The mindset of the people needs to change, and it is also necessary to identify the type of people in the society who are committing such incidents. After the Nirbhaya incident, only ten percent work has been done on this matter, while more work needs to be done.