Women to take permission from husbands to work…?

In our country, women are progressing rapidly and are progressing in every field. At the same time, there are still many countries in the world where even today women have to take permission from their husbands to work. In these countries, women do not have the freedom to do any work of their choice. So let's know about those countries.

In these countries, women have to take permission from their husbands to work

According to a report of the World bank, in 18 countries of the world, women have to take permission from their husbands to work. These countries include many countries of Africa and Asia. Where women do not have freedom. If a woman has to work here, she has to take permission from her husband. These countries include Bahrain, Bolivia, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Gabon, Guinea, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Maratha, Niger, Qatar, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates, West bank and Gaza, Yemen.

Why are these rules?

Many countries have cultural beliefs that limit women to household chores. They are considered inferior to men in society. At the same time, such interpretations are made in some religions according to which women should remain under men. Apart from this, many countries have laws that limit the rights of women. These laws are often based on old traditions.

Why are the rules wrong?

These rules prevent women from working independently and becoming financially independent. Also, when women do not work, half of the society is deprived of development. Apart from this, this rule is against the principle of gender equality. In recent years, many countries have made laws to promote women's rights. Many international organizations are also fighting for women's rights. However, a lot still needs to be done.

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