Alimony and maintenance: Difference between the two?

The words 'alimony' and 'maintenance' are often used in divorce cases. Both words are related to financial support, but there are some important differences between them. Maintenance is given during the divorce process, when the husband and wife are living separately but they are not legally divorced. It is usually given to the wife, especially if she is financially dependent on the husband.

On the other hand, alimony is given after divorce, when the husband and wife are legally separated. It can be given to either the husband or the wife, who is financially weak. It can be given in lump sum or regularly.

Suppose a husband and wife are living separately and the divorce case is going on. During this time, the husband gives living expenses to the wife, this is called maintenance. When the divorce is done, the court can order to give a lump sum amount or money regularly, this is called alimony.

Is it the legal responsibility of the husband to give alimony to his wife in a divorce case?

To understand this, ABP news spoke to allahabad High court advocate Rajesh Verma. He said, this is a question which is difficult to answer in a simple 'yes' or 'no', because it depends on many things. In many cases, the husband has to pay alimony. But, there are some circumstances when the wife is not entitled to ask for alimony.

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