AMU student prepared special spray for safety of women!

A student of aligarh Muslim university has prepared a spray which will prove to be effective for self-defense for men as well as women. Common people need weapons for self-defense, in the same way, for women, this will work no less than a weapon. The person on whom this spray will be used will become unconscious for half an hour. Girls and women are seen buying the spray prepared by the student of aligarh Muslim University

Mohammad Rafiq, a first year student of CPC (Central Professional Course) department of aligarh Muslim university (AMU), has prepared a unique and effective security device, which is being called "Rescue Spray". This is a technique which can prove to be very helpful in the self-defense of women. This is a special type of spray, when it is sprayed towards an attacker, it causes severe irritation in his eyes and can temporarily incapacitate him. When a girl, woman, student or any person uses this spray for rescue, the attacker's eyes will burn. This can cause the attacker to lose consciousness for about 30 minutes. During this time, the victim will get enough time to escape and seek help.

Can be easily carried

This is a completely safe, portable easy-to-use product. Girls can easily keep it in their purse, pocket or bag and use it immediately when needed. It works like pepper spray but is more effective and economical. By temporarily disabling the attacker, it gives women an opportunity to escape. It is very easy to operate in any emergency, so women can use it even without any training. Also, its effect starts immediately, due to which the attacker does not get a chance to react.

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