Is violence against women increasing due to websites?

In today's time, the Internet has become an important part of everyone's life. People use it for study, work and entertainment. But there are some things on the Internet which are proving to be harmful to the society. Pornographic sites (obscene or pornographic content) are also one of them. The number of people watching these sites is increasing rapidly.

According to the research report of Sage Journals, along with the Internet, the trend of watching pornographic films has also increased in India. About 12% of the websites are related to pornographic films. Nowadays people easily get pornographic films. It is estimated that 90% of boys and 60% of girls under the age of 18 have watched pornographic films at some time or the other. The average age of watching pornographic films for the first time is considered to be 12 years.

About 88% of pornographic films show physical violence, 48% show verbal violence (abuse) and in 94% of cases women are the target. In these videos, men are always shown to be powerful, while women are shown to be submissive and obedient. This shows the inequality between men and women. In many societies, men are considered superior to women and this thinking promotes sexual violence against women.

India: Third in watching pornographic films, fourth in rape!

Sage Journals has stated in its research report that india is at number three in the world among countries watching pornographic films and at number four in rape cases. Sexual violence has a very bad effect on the physical and mental health of women. Therefore, sexual harassment is considered a serious public health problem. About 93 women are raped every day in India.

The increasing cases of rape suggest that there may be a link between porn addiction and sexual crimes against women in India. There has been some research on watching porn on the Internet and sexual desires, but there has been no specific research on porn addiction and sexual violence against women in India.

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