A British-Indian student accused of public disturbance after sending a Snapchat message joking about blowing up an aircraft with his buddies is now on trial in Spain. Aditya Verma, the student, is not charged with terrorism or jail, but if proven guilty, he might face a fine of 22,500 euros (Rs 20.35 lakh).

Verma was on his way to Spain's Menorca island with his companions on an easyJet aircraft in July 2022 when he texted, "On my way to blow up the plane (I'm a member of the Taliban)," according to the BBC. Verma's communication was spotted by UK security services on Gatwick's Wi-Fi network, and they reported it to Spanish police while the easyJet jet was in flight.

During his trial in Madrid, Verma, an economics student from Bath University, stated that he had no intention of inflicting public harm or grief to anyone.

The court was informed that when authorities got the menacing communication, they scrambled two Spanish F-18 fighter planes. According to the BBC, one jet tracked the plane till it landed in Menorca and was thoroughly checked.

Verma, who was 18 at the time, was arrested and detained in a police cell for two days before being released on bail, the court heard.

The student was later questioned by british intelligence organisations MI5 and MI6 in the UK and returned to Orpington, Kent.

During the trial, Verma stated on monday that the post was "a joke in a private group setting". "It was just sent to my friends I was travelling with on the day," he told the BBC.

When questioned why she sent the message, Verma answered, "Since school, it's been a joke because of my appearance... "It was only to make people laugh."

In response to another question about when he spotted the Spanish fighter planes surrounding his plane, Verma felt it was a military exercise relating to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Police stated the court that they inspected Verma's phone and discovered that he was researching confrontations between india and Pakistan, as well as the prospect of an Islamic State terror assault in that area. However, investigators found no relationship between Verma and Islamist radicalization.

The Spanish Defence Ministry is seeking 95,000 euros (Rs 85.94 lakh) in expenses in Verma's case.

The court told the BBC that a decision on Verma's case is likely within the next few days.

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